Category: <span>Artist Journey</span>

No. 9: The Bedminster Dream Tree (2022)

“The Bedminster Dream Tree” is the ninth installation of “Project: 100 Dream Trees”, and located in the neighborhood of Bedminster in Bristol, United Kingdom. This mural was created during my participation in Upfest, Bristol’s renowned street art festival, in May 2022. Find it here: 131 North Street, Bristol, United Kingdom. …

“Little Dreamers” 100-Day Challenge: Days 76 to 100

On 29 Nov 2021, I published Day 100 on social media, and thus completed this 100-Day Challenge, a little over four months since I started this artistic journey! Since 19 Jul 2021, with some (numerous lol) breaks in between, I’ve created and posted one new illustration nearly each day on …

“Little Dreamers” 100-Day Challenge: Days 51 to 75

75% of the way into this 100-Day Challenge, and three months into this artistic journey! Since 19 Jul 2021, with some breaks in between, I’ve created and posted one new illustration nearly each day on my Instagram and my Facebook page, as a way of developing a new series of …

“Little Dreamers” 100-Day Challenge: Days 26 to 50

Halfway through this 100-Day Challenge, and two months into the process! The project is to create and post one new illustration each day on my Instagram and my Facebook page, as a way of developing a new series of artworks. I had started on 19 Jul 2021, and the original …

“Little Dreamers” 100-Day Challenge: Days 1 to 25

For 100 days from 19 Jul to 26 Oct 2021, I’m creating and posting one new illustration each day on my Instagram and my Facebook page, as a way of developing a new series of artworks. Based on the initial direction of the works, I’ve named the series “Little Dreamers”, …

The Importance of Showing Up For Your Dream

Since March this year, I’ve started to take ownership of my journey in mastery as an artist. Initially I committed myself to drawing 2 fairy penguins and 1 oak tree five days a week, as a way to build up my foundational drawing skills as a self-trained artist. At the …

My New Drawing Practice and What I’m Learning About Mastery

Since 2013, I’ve been an active member in a coaching and personal development community in Singapore, and during their leadership program in 2015, my mentor advised me to master drawing all 17 species of penguins in an anatomically accurate way. I took this assignment seriously and started drawing these penguins …

Why Do You Do What You Do?

We live in a time now where it’s common to have a hyphenated title, e.g. singer-songwriter-activist, artist-chef, engineer-writer… and the lines between profession and hobby are more blurred than ever. With technology and the Internet, we have greater access to knowledge and information, and we have more conveniences which means …

Are You “Too Busy” to Live Your Dream?

It’s common these days for people to have hyphenated titles, as we’re no longer limited to developing ourselves only in one area. Actors are also humans rights activists, singers are also painters, and chefs are also writers, and so on… Even I have been introducing myself as a visual-artist-and-voice-coach for …

Are You Postponing Your Dream Unknowingly?

I believe that everyone has a dream, and we go through our life’s journey to fulfil some sort of purpose. The life you have right now — you’re the only one who can live it, and you owe it to yourself to make the most of it and the best …