Category: <span>Live Your Dream Life</span>

Your Worthy Purpose is Unique to You

“[True happiness] is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” — Helen Keller When I was younger, I used to think a “worthy purpose” meant having to do something that makes a huge difference in the world, like ending world hunger, engaging in world peace efforts, …

True Happiness and Your Worthy Purpose

“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”  — Helen Keller I first came across this quote shortly after the success of my first solo exhibition in early 2013, and I instantly resonated with …

The Truth About Our Dreams

What’s your dream? To become an artist? To travel the world? To start your own business? To spend more quality time with your loved ones? To be happy every single day? If time, money and energy didn’t matter, what’s that one thing you want for your life such at the …

Three Expectations That Lead to (My) Downfall (Part 3 of 3)

(Read Part 1 here) (Read Part 2 here) Finally we’ve come to the finale of this three-part overly-dramatically-titled blog series. To recap, I’m sharing three expectations I’ve had to learn to manage over the past few years as I walk this path of pursuing my passion and bringing my creative …

Three Expectations That Lead to (My) Downfall (Part 2 of 3)

So I’ve been thinking of renaming this series of blog sharing, but nothing else I’ve come up with has had a better ring than this, so I guess this overly dramatic title will do for now. A week after Part 1 was published, I still don’t think I’m anywhere near …

The Truth About Your Perfect Day

You might have done this exercise before, where you spend a few minutes to imagine and daydream your answer to this question (or some variation of it): “If time and money didn’t matter, what would a Perfect Day in your life be like?” As a big dreamer (and daydreamer), I …

Three Expectations That Lead to (My) Downfall (Part 1 of 3)

Ok, I will admit that this headline is a little overly dramatic lols, but it’s what came to mind as I was writing this blog post. Don’t worry, I’m nowhere near my downfall (at least not that I’m aware of… I hope *fingers crossed*). But I will say, though, that …

What I Learnt From Not Going to Art School

I’ve been a professional artist for seven years now, and I never went to art school. Before I did my first solo exhibition in 2013, I was a struggling aspiring artist in New York who hadn’t drawn or painted for over ten years, trying to figure out how to become …