Category: <span>Live Your Dream Life</span>

5 Lessons I Wish I Knew 5 Years Ago

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always felt out of place in my world. Growing up as a highly imaginative dreamer with my head in the clouds, I was constantly misunderstood by my family and friends, who seemed to be more conservative and practical in their outlook on …

The Three Most Common Motifs in the Dreamer Penguins’ World

As a visual artist and coach, my life has been all about pursuing what I love and fulfilling my dreams. One of my dreams is to help people connect to their truest vision for their lives, through the art, music and writing I create, which is inspired by my own …

A World Where All Our Dreams Come True

In the summer of 2018, I went to Spain to attend my first artist residency, where I painted the first Dream Tree mural. After that, I stayed a month in La Garriga with a local family in exchange for practising English with them. During my time there, their daughter turned …

All it takes is to just SHOW UP and BE THERE.

A year ago I attended an artist residency in Cēsis, Latvia. For some reason I felt that I wasn’t “artsy” enough to be there, and among these artists who I perceived to be more “legit”, I couldn’t help feeling like a fraud. Each time I hung out with them, I …

The Constant Call To Adventure

Wake up. Go to school. Return home. Practice piano. Do homework. Go to sleep.  This was my weekday routine all through elementary school. Every school term passed in the same way, year after year.  Weekends promised something different, and yet when Saturday evenings came round, my family would drive ten …

“If you don’t do this, nothing in your life will change.”

When I was preparing for my first solo exhibition in early 2013, it was the most difficult things I had ever done. I worked with a life coach for 5 weeks on a project plan to bring this exhibition to life, and for one entire week, I didn’t do anything …